“That’s great to hear, Derrick, for a minute there, I
thought you were going to say we were doomed,” Victoria joked. “How do you
propose we fight a demon that feeds off magic?”
“And therein lies the crux,” Derrick replied.
“Kron has been consuming the life forces of our residents.
He has made it nearly impossible to sustain any kind of living without the
constant threat of war. Our combined magics have not been able to drive him out
and at this point, he’s become immune to our spells and enchantments. But you,
you’re not of this world. We are hoping, desperately, that somehow your magic
can defeat him,” Callon said.
“I don’t know how successful I’ll be, Callon, but I’m
willing to try. Where can we find him?”
“He’s taken up residence near Serenity Falls. It’s the large waterfall near the center of Niellon.”