Sunday, May 26, 2013

12: So, It Begins...Pt. 2

Victoria wasted no time storming off toward the metal door and into Derrick’s office. Stopping as she recognized Jake Foyers up close in person she gasped again. “What the hell is this?” she demanded as Perry moved behind her to shut the door.

“Jake, meet Detective Victoria Carson. She’s the one responsible for bringing your murderer to justice,” Derrick grinned as he sat calmly behind his desk and made introductions.

“Detective Carson, yes! I recognize you from the interviews I watched you conduct with my family and friends. You worked hard for me I know and I know how frustrating it must have been when it went unsolved, unfortunately. Thank you! I can’t tell you what a relief it’s been for my family to have some sort of closure about my death. I really appreciate all you’ve done.”

Victoria again looked around the three faces occupying the room and one thing became perfectly clear, she was the only one breathing. Already knowing Derrick and Perry’s condition, she caught a glimpse of Jake’s fangs as he spoke to her and everything started falling into place. “So, this is how you found the evidence that led to Martin’s conviction?” Victoria asked ignoring Jake’s glances as she tried to make sense of what she was seeing.

“Yes. Jake and I are old friends. I got to his house the day he was killed, saw the fumes pumping from beneath the garage door and rushed inside. He was semiconscious and breathing, barely. I had no idea how long he was in that garage, but the longer he sat in those gases, the quicker he was fading. I opened the car door and noticed the puncture wounds on the side of his neck.”

“The Medical Examiner noted them as pin pricks from a 10-gauge syringe.”

“Right,” Derrick smiled showing off his fangs. “A needle did that.”

“So, what you’re telling me is that you killed Jake?”

“No. I saved his life; so, to speak. He pushed me off of him, begged me to shut the door and let him go.”

“If you want to be mad at someone, Detective Carson, be mad at me. Derrick was only doing what I asked him to.” Victoria looked toward Jake and waited for him to finish explaining what Derrick was telling her. “My family was in danger. Sketch had already murdered my sister; the cops said it was an accidental OD, but I knew better. Sarah had gotten herself clean. She wasn’t using anymore. But she crossed Sketch one too many times and he made an example of her. Gave her a hot shot and dumped her like yesterday’s trash in the dumpster behind the sewage plant. When I told him I was going to the police with what I knew, he threatened me and everyone I loved. Told me that if I talked, then he’d kill them and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about.” Jake clenched his fist tightly at his side and growled. “He was right; I knew it. That’s when Derrick and I hatched this plan.”

“Wait a minute. I thought you said no humans knew what you were? How could you come up with a plan to turn him had he not known at least a while and accepted this? Because let me tell you, I’ve known for all of 8 hours and I’m still freaking out.” Victoria asked directing her gaze to the still calm and collected Derrick smirking from his chair.

“Derrick and I have been friends since he came back to Avondale. We met at a poker game; I cleaned him out of everything in his pockets and he decided to show me how much he hated it. Well, after I changed my shorts, we got to talking and he told me about himself. I always thought it was pretty cool. I honestly believed at first that I was still baked but, I guess that wasn’t the case huh?” 

He smiled at Victoria and tucked his hands into his pockets. “Anyway, Derrick bit me the previous night. What I’d wanted was to transition and go after that asshole Sketch myself. I had no idea he’d made plans to get me first. I was out of it when they came; still tweaking off the effects from Derrick’s bite so I couldn’t fight them off. They threw me into the car, started it and left. When Derrick found me, I told him to just go. I’d transition so I wasn’t going to ‘die’ exactly and at least this way my family would be safe from Sketch’s wrath.”

“I gave Derrick the evidence against that son of a bitch when he started harassing my dad at his construction site. I knew then this shit wouldn’t end with my death and he needed to be punished for what he did. I’m sorry if things got a little weird for you when my body disappeared but…I couldn’t very well let them cut me open!”

“Yeah…right. I guess not.” Victoria laughed; one of insanity and confusion and started for the door. Aimlessly she wandered through the crowd of vampires toward the exit and down the flight of stairs Derrick had led her through. When she’d made it out to the back lot, she paused briefly realizing she hadn’t driven herself to this area and sighed. 

Hurrying toward the end of the block she pulled out her cell phone to call herself a taxi to drive her home. One car sped through the district but didn’t bother to stop. As it approached her corner, its back right tire spun in a puddle beside her and she was splashed with the cruddy substance sitting in the water. “Fucking perfect!”

“Victoria!” Derrick shouted behind her as he rushed forward. “Victoria!” She ignored him and continued walking. Demonstrating his speed, he barreled ahead of her and stood in her path before she could take a step off the curb. “Why did you run out like that? Are you ok?”

“You’re not seriously asking me that are you? I mean…why?!? I just learned that a man I spent a year wondering about and investigating his death is alive and well…dead and there’s an ENTIRE FUCKING BUILDING full of the same kinds of creatures I grew up watching on late night horror movies and bad cinema! And you have the nerve to ask me if I’m ok?”

“Am I ok, Derrick? I don’t know let’s see: vampire? Check! Conspiracy to commit murder? Check! Sanity? Well, that has got to be gone completely at this point. On top of that, you’ve basically told me I perjured myself on the stand when I sat across from Sketch and told that jury he murdered Jake Foyers because apparently HE’S NOT DEAD!”

Derrick stood with a stoic expression on his face as he listened and watched Victoria’s mind work to keep her wits about her. He had expected it at some point but not out in the middle of the street where anyone could possibly see them. Waving his arms in quiet desperation, he took her hands in his, looked her dead in the eyes and tried to calm her. Victoria blew out a breath and again laughed that same laugh from his office and moved to place her back against the wall of the building next to them. “I still can’t believe any of this is happening,” she resolved quietly as he stepped in front of her.

“But, given the circumstances, you know you’re taking all of this rather well.”

“Of course I am! If I let these crazy thoughts in, I don’t think I could handle it. I mean I cannot for the life of me understand how you exist or any of those…things in that bar! They HISSED at me, Derrick; looking at me like food! And right now, I’m honestly just waiting on Ashton Kutcher to pop out from behind a bush and tell me I’ve been Punk’d! But you’re real, aren’t you? The fangs, the cool flesh, the lack of a heartbeat or breath; a real-life Dracula,” she smiled sincerely and wiped at the muddy spots on her clothes.

“That looks good on you.”

“What? The mud?”

“Your smile,” Derrick replied and wiped a spot clean along her cheek. “You should do it more often.” He noticed the blush on her face and pulled her away from the wall gently. “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

“Cole! What are you doing here?” Victoria asked walking up to her front door to find the FBI agent sitting near her stoop.

“I was worried about you, Vik! I’ve been calling you all day with no answer to both your cell and home phones! I came over here and found the house empty, but your car in the garage and thought the worse. I’ve been calling your friends, your parents and siblings and no one’s heard from you all day. I even started contacting hospitals checking to see if something maybe happened to you.”

“What? Why would you do all that?”

“Well, I don’t know if you’re aware or even remember, but there’s a hit out on you! Remember Martin’s death threat in court? Why else do you think I’ve been popping in every night to check on you? There’s already been one attempt on your life! If you knew you weren’t going to be back for a while, it would have been nice if you’d have called or left a note or something. I was scared to death,” he breathed a sigh of relief as he caressed the hair behind her ear. “You are ok, right?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking. I was out with Derrick and just lost track of time I guess.”

Derrick waved as he met Cole’s eyes and he jammed his hands back into his pockets as the man appeared to shrug off his existence. “It’s ok, Vik. I’m just glad it wasn’t anything serious. Have you eaten yet? I picked something up from Julio’s.”

“I actually had something while I was out, Cole.” The disappointed look on his face prompted Victoria to delicately touch her hand to his cheek until it melted into a smile. “It was the thought that counts though and I really appreciate your concern, it’s really sweet.”

“Well of course, Vik. You mean a lot to me.” Cole reached forward to take Victoria into his arms but was interrupted as Derrick cleared his throat behind her and called her name.

Pulling her off toward the side, he eyed Cole and sighed. “I know I probably don’t have to tell you this, but you know you can’t tell anyone about what we talked about today or what you saw.”

“I know, Derrick. The fact that Jake is’s something no one can know otherwise Sketch gets released and who knows where we’d be at that point. Besides, who would believe me anyway? I’m still trying to come to terms with it myself. Vampires and God knows what else out there really? Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me.”

“Good. Then I guess I’ll catch up with you later. But, I hope you’re ready, Detective, we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface!”

Victoria started toward her front door with Cole right behind her. He stopped briefly and eyed the man standing at the end of the drive and backed away. “I’ll be right there, Vik, I want to actually have a word with your friend.”

Victoria scooped up the bags Cole left beside her door and entered her kitchen. She could see them from the dining room window and noticed Cole’s defensive stance with his arms crossed against him and wondered what it was the two were talking about. Derrick nodded a few times and she saw him smile that devious and charming smile and figured he was being just as big a smart ass with Cole as he is with her. Cole took a threatening step forward, but Derrick didn’t flinch. He turned and stormed up to the door shrugging off Derrick’s last comment tossed at his back.

Victoria heard her front door close and lock and waited for him to join her in the kitchen. She finished her drink and placed the glass in the sink. Turning to greet him as he started into the room, she nodded at the driveway where he’d met with Derrick. “What was that all about?”

“Oh nothing, I just wanted to thank him for making sure you got home safely.”

“Really? That didn’t look like a simple thank you to me.”

Cole shrugged and leaned against the wall, “I asked that he take into consideration the fact that someone is after you and use more discretion when he comes around here, that’s all. What’s the deal with him anyway? Are you two seeing each other?”


“It’s a simple question, Victoria. Are you sleeping together?”

“Jesus, Cole! No! He’s just helping me with something.”

“Another case?” Victoria looked up at him as he pulled the pitcher of water from the fridge and poured himself a drink. “I assume this is the same Derrick as from the last case; can’t be too many of them running around helping the police right?” He answered to her curious expression.

“Oh, yeah. Um…no it’s the same one. Derrick thinks that he might know a way to prove Martin is the one behind the IAD investigation and since I can’t go in to the office…”

“I’m helping you with that, Vik.”

“I know, Cole, but this is different. Derrick has an inside view with this guy because they were poker buddies. He might be able to give me an insight that normal investigations can’t.” Cole nodded in understanding as he slowly sipped from his glass and Victoria moved forward and leaned against the counter. “What’s going on with you, Cole?”

“What do you mean? I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not fine. I’ve seen you more times in the last week than I had in almost a month when we were dating. You’re acting really strange and possessive. You keep asking me about my love life, bought me this necklace and then there was the sex…”

“What about the sex?”

“We shouldn’t have done that. It was a mistake that I shouldn’t have allowed to happen. Cole, I care about you, I do. But you and I, we’re just not going to be able to do it.”

“Sure, we can, it’ll just take some work that’s all.”

“It’ll take more than that, Cole. You proved just now that you’re not over that whole jealousy thing. The way you reacted to Derrick is evidence of that! It’s just like the Grant incident”

“That’s not true! I’m just worried about you, Vik, that’s all.” 

“Yes, it is. And with everything else that I’m dealing with right now, trying to start a relationship again with you or anybody will only make things worse. I’m sorry but I’m just not interested in going there again.” Victoria watched as Cole took smaller sips from the glass in his hand and sighed. “Do you still have your key to my place?”

He patted his pocket in response and finished the last of his water. “You want it back? Are you telling me that you no longer feel safe with me having possession of it?” Victoria didn’t answer. Instead, she watched as he set the glass to the counter, pulled the key ring from his pocket and removed the silver key from the hook. Sliding it across the counter toward her he refused to meet her eyes. “There. Now I hope you can sleep better at night.”

“Cole!” He stormed toward the door grabbing his coat from the side board and Victoria heard the door slam shut as she remained motionless in the same spot in the kitchen. She watched from the window as he jumped behind the wheel of his Jaguar and sped from the lot.

A loud squawk outside drew her gaze and she noticed the Raven perched on top of a rose bush outside her front door. “Back again huh? I’d get you some fruit but according to Derrick you’d just turn your nose up at it.” She moved closer to the window watching the black bird cautiously to see if her approach would make it fly away. 

When it showed no signs of fear, she exited her front door and slowly approached him again. “Hey birdy, are you lost? You know you’re a rarity in this area. Did you get separated from your flock? Do Ravens even flock? Yes, I’m sure they do. What’s it called a Murder? No, that’s crows.”

Thinking back to the research she did while tracking down their diets, she smiled to herself. “An Unkindness, that’s it. Well, let’s hope that refers to group mentality and you aren’t unkind to me,” she put her arm out and waited for the bird to respond. “Come on, birdy, I won’t hurt you. I mean look at me, talking to you like a crazy person. Then again, that doesn’t prove I wouldn’t hurt you, does it? Only proves I’m apparently insane.”

The Raven, who appeared to be amused by Victoria’s banter, inched forward once before flying up toward her face and landing on her arm. She gasped with excitement and gently stroked its feathers as she congratulated herself on a job well done. “Maybe I’m not as crazy as I thought after all. You’re a handsome fellow, aren’t you? Can I take you inside?”

“You seem to keep coming back.” Slowly she walked to her front door and closed and locked it behind her. Heading back toward the kitchen she let the bird down on the countertop, dug around the cabinets for the box of grains and offered a handful to the animal. When he started pecking from her hand she again smiled in appreciation. “Well, at least I don’t run every guy away, huh?”

Continue ---->


  1. So I'd say Derrick got off easy with Vik with the whole Jake thing. I get that Sketch is a bad guy and technically tried to kill Jake but he didn't. It was all a set up from the start and he pulled Vik into it and it's cost her her job right now. :(

    I don't think a I'm sorry crossed his lips. He really should apologize.

    So Cole...out having a dick measuring contest with Derrick hahahaha that didn't go well I'm sure. Considering he and Vik aren't dating his asking if she was sleeping with Derrick was out of line. Now he's showing up more since I guess he feels threatened by Derrick's presence. On the upside at least he waited outside even though he had a key. Or he could have already gone in and snooped around before she got there.

    I still think Vik is handling things well considering. I would have been a lot more pissed at Derrick I think.

    1. Sketch really did kill Jake. He had Derrick's blood in his system and was reborn a vampire but his human life was taken by Sketch. Victoria did let him off easy but there's not much she can really do about it. If she tells what she knows that exposes everything she's just discovered. On the other hand if she attacks Derrick for what he did then she'd have a supernatural issue to deal with and without really knowing how to fight a vampire, being on his bad side might not be a good thing. Derrick definitely has to make it up to her though!

      Derrick and apology don't really fit in the same sentence. But you're right, he was very smug about the whole thing; watching her reaction to everything that was happening rather than try and convey his sincerity for what he did.

      LOL nope! Cole thought he would show this new guy who's the man in Victoria's life but Derrick wasn't fazed one bit and on top of that Vik told him to hit the road. His jealousy was too much to handle when they were dating, she doesn't have to deal with it now! He was very out of line and Vik didn't appreciate it either. His behavior didn't sit right with her and it prompted her to ask for her key back. That's the one respectable thing he did, not invading her privacy while she was away.

      She is handling things really well. She's trying not to really think about it but she is a homicide detective, she's seen worse things.

      Thank you for reading.

  2. Good update! I do think even if Derrick doesn't apologize, he should really make sure she understands the reasoning for what he did by busting his (very cute) ass to help her!

    I have to be honest, I'm not a Cole fan. It's not just the jealousy thing, although that's pretty out of hand. I just don't trust him; I feel like he's going to do something spiteful to hurt or otherwise fuck Victoria over, especially if Derrick continues to come around.

    This story is shaping up nicely, with lots of twists and turns to make it great reading!

    1. Yes, all the vagueness from before is becoming clear to her now. Why "Sketch" isn't like other criminals and such. He really does need to make her see the way of things so she is on guard with everything that's out there. It would be a big help!

      Cole does seem to have the makings of a stalker (sad to say). He and Vik are good friends when the focus is on the friendship and nothing more. But Cole wants way more than that and isn't seemingly backing down. Hopefully he works through his emotions before it comes to a head between them but anything could happen! Derrick will be around though in case anything pops off and how awesome is it having a vampire as a bodyguard? :P

      Yay! Glad to hear that! Thank you for reading :)

  3. No one else is gong to mention the Raven!? Aeon will I guess, so this comment will be all about this little Raven. First of all...I know all about Ravens! They are bad omens! I wonder if this is 'Bad omen' Raven that keeps coming to her..or who knows it could be more than just a Raven!

    Maybe if it was a parrot or something...but she said he was rare around those parts so that makes me cautious!

    1. In a way he is a bad omen you're right. You've had great insight on "who" the Raven really is thus far though. So let's just say this is "his" way of keeping an eye on things. Although I don't think he ever intended for Victoria to be so curious and invite him inside her home like a pet and then feed him. He will continue coming around because he knows what's out there and doesn't want her to be affected by anything in the supernatural world because of him.

      Still she should be cautious. There's never any real way to tell what can happen when you open the door to a bad omen!

      Thank you for reading :)

  4. I can see what Victoria means about Cole's jealousy issues. It really sucks they can't be together, but it probably is better that way. And I still have a feeling that bird is Derrick lol.

    1. Victoria tried with Cole but he has some things to work through before she ever wants to go there with him again. She has found she enjoys his company in the capacity of a friend MUCH more than lover/boyfriend. He very well may be :)

      Thank you for reading!

  5. Twisted stuff.... All of that little set up to get Sketch, and poor Victoria lands in the middle of it.... She could have lots of problems if anyone finds that Jake isn't dead dead. But then Sketch really did have intent to murder.
    Cole's little show down was odd and sort of inappropriate. I hope Derrick set him straight, but then, Victoria certainly did by hinting about her house key. Hmmm... good cop gone bad.... possessive good cop turns psycho killer after believing he's been ditched by a non-girlfriend.... hahaha... cute little raven eating the cornflakes and strawberries ;) ... at least he didn't bash against her window, that would be the portent of evil.

    1. Sketch was caught red-handed trying to kill someone but it's a tough thing to argue when the person is staring you down lol. On one hand they did find out what he was all about but on the wasn't successful? :P Victoria was placed in the center thanks to Derrick and he did it because he knew she was the one investigating Jake's murder PLUS he sorta senses something more about her.

      Cole was really out of line throwing jabs at Derrick believing he had the right to. Derrick of course wouldn't stand for that but Victoria certainly made Cole realize beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are not going any further past "friends". Haha that would be a real twist right there! But then Victoria has a vampire on her side :P

      LOL! Yeah I don't think Victoria would have gone outside if it started slamming against the window. She might have even shot the poor thing!

      Thank you for reading :)

  6. Le sigh, poor cole, what bad timing to non-dump him right after he sees her with another guy. He didn't seem jealous to the point of being obnoxious. Well, apart from talking to derrick.

    I see derrick is skulking again, lol. At least I assume that's derrick. Hmm maybe its somebody else?
