Sunday, August 4, 2024

81: The Dollhouse – Pt. 3

“Um, excuse me,” Victoria turned to find a group of garden gnomes standing in front of her. “We heard you were a witch. We could use your help.”

“Uh…sure. What…?”

“Our brother has gone missing. He’s been away now for quite some time.” Randy Red spoke with obvious fear in his tone. “Would you please help us find him?”

“Couldn’t someone have come in and purchased him?”

“Oh, no, we’re not for sale.” Amber stated.

“None of you?”

“We’re part of a personal collection of the Warner family. Fred makes one of us each year as a celebration of sorts.” Greg the Green replied.

“Yeah, there’s a big party and everything!” Amber exclaimed.

“Ah, I see. When did your brother go missing?”

“We were having a party to celebrate the creation of our mushroom garden and he said he was going to grab some more chairs. We waited and waited but he never returned.”

“Huh. Can you show me where he disappeared? I like to see the scene of a crime to establish myself.”

“But of course!” Randy Red cheerfully replied and led the detective toward their home.

Victoria looked around their magical landscape, in awe of the fantastical creation. She marveled over the countless amount of mushrooms and tiny houses the gnomes had built. Closing her eyes, she focused on any misplaced energy and felt something faint but close.

“Getting anything?” Greg the Green inquired.

“Actually, I sense he’s still in the toy store.” Victoria cast a locator spell and the gnomes immediately began following it. Moving in line behind the tiny creatures, the gnome family came to a stop right outside a military base.

“Oh no,” Randy Red said, “This isn’t good.” Hurrying inside, they became witness to a battalion of green men surrounding Bobby Blue who was doing his best to defend himself with a lollipop.

“HEY!” Victoria shouted, watching one of the soldiers rough up the gnome. “What’s your problem?”

“This is military business, lady, stay out of it!” The leader of the Army men yelled at Victoria. “Alright, men, weapons ready!”

“NO!” Greg the Green shouted in panic.

“They’re going to kill him!” Randy Red exclaimed.

“Please, do something!” Amber begged.

Thinking quickly, Victoria spelled a toy bubble maker beside them, launching a counterattack just as the commander gave the order to fire. A frothy, foam gurgled out of the machine before large bubbles began to form, Bobby Blue was sucked up into one, protecting him from the barrage of bullets aimed at him.

“HEY!” The commander shouted once more. “I told you to mind your own business!”

“You’re not being a very nice person!” Amber frowned, pointing an accusatory finger.

“Yeah! What did Bobby Blue ever do to you?”

“The in question was caught stealing.”

“Liar! Bobby Blue would never take something that wasn’t his!” Greg the Green defended.

“He was taking chairs designated for our military ball,” the commander replied. “And as such, we sought to punish the accused the way we saw fit.”

“What? That’s insane! Murder is not a justifiable punishment for theft!” Victoria said, “It’s a pretty harsh judgment and completely unreasonable.” Sweeping her hand over the area, she conjured up seating for the men and extra for the gnomes. “How about we call this even. You go your own way and consider this issue settled.”

“Well, I suppose we were a little quick on the sentence,” the commander sighed, nodding his head in agreement. “Fine. I can put this behind us IF the gnomes promise to never trespass on military land again.”

“Agreed,” Randy Red answered without hesitation. Collecting their brother, the gnomes headed back home with Victoria in tow, thanking her for all she did to save them.

“We heard you’re trying to get out of here,” Randy Red said. “Since you helped us out, we will do everything we can to help you too.”

“Thanks,” Victoria smiled. “I really appreciate that. And I may take you up on that offer.”

Fred looked up with a smile as the bell on his shop door rang, announcing a new customer. “Good afternoon! Welcome to Warner and Son’s Toy Emporium. Are you looking for anything in particular today?”

“I am, actually,” Annabelle smiled behind Victoria’s face. Glancing briefly around the store, she spied the boxes that came from Derrick’s home and leaned over the counter to better examine them. “OH! And it looks like I came at the right time. New inventory?”

“Yes indeed, however, I’ve not had the chance to inspect it just yet, so unfortunately, nothing in there is for sale at the moment. But please, check back later this week. I’m certain we will have some new items on the shelves. Now then, are you shopping for a birthday or some other special occasion?”

“I’m actually looking for a very special doll. A Victorian Dolly Darling. I’ve been to a few other places and they all suggested I try your store so, here I am!”

“No kidding?” Fred grinned. “That is very interesting. I did have one in stock but, unfortunately, it’s on hold for another customer. But I can get in touch with some of my contacts and see if we can track one down for you,” he replied, thinking about Derrick’s phone call.

“Oh darn!” Annabelle hissed. “I really needed it by tonight. It was the only item on my niece’s wish list for her birthday. She’s turning 10 and she’s been kind of a collector of old, creepy dolls.”

“I’m sorry, my dear, I really wished I could have helped you.”

“Well, I don’t suppose you could sell me the one from the other customer and use those contacts to find him another?”

Fred paused a moment, really taking in the smile on Annabelle’s face before shaking his head no. “I’m sorry. I don’t do business like that. A promise is a promise and I’m afraid my other customer came first. Besides, I never mentioned it was a ‘he.’”

With that, the smile on Annabelle’s face fell completely and she reached across the counter, grabbing Fred by the collar and dragging him to the floor at her feet. “Listen to me, old man, I need that doll and I was being really nice about it but you wanted to make things difficult!”

“DAD!” Nick yelled, rushing from the back room and finding the two on the ground. Immediately, he placed himself between them, shoving Annabelle back a step. “Victoria?”

“You know her?” Fred asked in shock as Nick pulled the angry customer off of him.

“Yeah, she was at Derrick’s place this morning when I went to get the donations.”

“She’s—” Fred’s words were interrupted with the sound of his bell once more and Derrick and Mike rushed inside. “Do you know this person?” he asked, looking at Derrick with a frown.

“This woman attacked my dad!” Nick added.

“I’m terribly sorry about that,” Derrick said, placing his hands up in mock surrender. “Victoria hasn’t been the same since she learned I donated her favorite doll. It’s why I asked you to hold it for me.”

“That is no excuse to attack someone,” Nick said, glancing over at Victoria with a sneer.

“You’re absolutely right and I will get her out of here right away.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you! I’m not going anywhere until I destroy that doll and you can’t stop me!” Rushing over the counter, Annabelle began throwing open boxes in search of herself. “I like this body and I’m not leaving it!”

“What on earth is going on here, Derrick?” Fred asked, watching Annabelle’s rage boil over.

Derrick let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Fred, I have to be honest with you because I need your help. This is going to sound crazy and trust me I know it’ll be hard to believe but…”

“You’re a vampire,” Fred said matter-of-factly.

Derrick’s eyes widened hearing the man’s assertion and he looked back at Mike who also stood shocked beside him. “How did you…?”

“Derrick, my family has been doing business with you since we opened. When I was a young boy, you and my dad had a great relationship. I’m not an idiot. You never aged. And my dad said the first time you ever came to our home he had to invite you inside. As a boy, I never really let myself believe it but the more I saw the more believable it became.”

“Ok, this is going to be easy then, Victoria’s been possessed by the spirit of that old Victorian doll and if I don’t get it first, she’ll destroy it and Victoria’s soul with it forever,” Derrick quickly explained.

Fred stood silently as he absorbed what he’d just heard, looking between Derrick and Mike as he slowly crossed and uncrossed his arms. Nick opened his mouth to say something but shook it off and moved toward the doll house to retrieve the Victorian doll for Derrick.

“Well, that explains what I saw earlier. I thought I was going crazy,” Fred laughed. “She moved. She actually moved.”

Just as Nick was handing the item over, Annabelle came flying over the countertop, tripping him and making the porcelain toy fall. Derrick moved swiftly, scooping it up before it crashed to the floor. “Mike!”

“On it!” Gripping Annabelle in his arms, Mike quickly cuffed the possessed dolly and held her down as Derrick looked over the figure in his hands.

“Well, now we have both parties involved, but I still have no idea how the spell activated in the first place.”

“I—I might have an idea about that,” Fred said, removing the shoe on the doll and showing Derrick the inscription on the foot. “I thought it was an owner’s mark and I read it aloud during my initial inspection.”

“Oh, Dad! Don’t you know you NEVER read Latin words out loud,” Nick teased. “Have you never seen a single horror movie in your life?”

Tipping the doll over, Derrick read the words in his head and easily translated them. “It says ‘replace my soul.’ And from the way these things tend to work, I’m assuming that meant from last ownership, which in our case, was Victoria. She’d discovered the doll in the attic and placed her in her room. She even named her Annabelle.”

“AND THEN SHE THREW ME AWAY LIKE TRASH!” Annabelle shouted angrily as she struggled against Mike’s grip. “She deserves whatever she gets!”

“That was my fault, Annabelle,” Derrick reasoned. “I never should have told her about the hair. She thought you were great.”

“I still do,” Victoria said in Derrick’s hand. “But I’d really like to be myself again.”

“Ok, that is super freaky!” Nick said, watching the Dolly Darling toy speak.

“Do you have any idea where we go from here?” Derrick asked of Victoria.

“My other foot. There’s a reversal spell.”

Removing the other shoe, Derrick looked at the line of text and nodded. “Perfect!” Placing Dolly Darling on the floor, he took a step back and read the other inscription, “Repone animam meam priori domino.” (Return my soul to its former master.)

A flash of light exploded around the doll and Victoria before a stream of red light moved between them. The group watched as both the spirit of the doll and Victoria’s soul traded places, Fred gasped in astonishment.

“I don’t believe it.”

Slowly releasing his grip on his partner, Mike took a step back, staring at Victoria curiously as they all waited to see if they magic had worked. “Are you…”

“It’s me,” Victoria said. Her charm bracelet returning to its natural state. “Nice work you two.”

“Yeah, I’m glad you’re back.”

“And it feels good to be back.”

“Derrick told me what you did, Vik; black magic? Why would you risk so much for me?”

“Mike, you mean more to me than you could ever possibly know. And you are well worth the risk,” she replied without hesitation. Pulling her forward, Mike swept her up in a warm hug, kissing her cheek as he thanked her again.

“I could never repay you.”

“You do it every day you run into danger with me. I could never ask for a better partner and friend.”

“Fred, I don’t believe any of the other items I donated this morning were supernatural, but if it would put your mind at ease, I’m more than willing to take them back.”

“Oh no, it’s fine, Derrick. If it’s all the same, I’d like to keep them.” Derrick shrugged and looked over at Victoria.

“Ready to get home?”

“Yes!” she said, scooping Annabelle up in her arms. “And she’s coming with us.” Victoria apologized to the Warners for the trouble and thanked them for their discretion. And after placing Annabelle back inside the magic room, she and Derrick took the rest of the night off.



“When I was asking about your dreams earlier, you said you hoped they weren’t premonitions.”


“You never mentioned why.”

“Oh,” she sighed. “Because of the fire man.”

“‘Fire man?’ What’s that? Who’s he?”

“I don’t know for sure but, I think it may be Fane. When he’s summoning fire, sometimes it looks as if it takes the shape of a dragon and it’s different from the smoke monster,” she paused, lost in thought a moment. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I’ve been researching him so much, I’m seeing him when I sleep. He comes closer every time I dream about him, so eventually, I’ll see his face clearly. But for now, he’s just a man who conjures and breathes fire; beckoning me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I know this is gonna sound weird but, somehow it feels like he knows me; like he’s trying to get me to come to him.”

“Babe?” Derrick waited until Victoria looked up at him before continuing, “Do you ever regret learning about magic?”

“Honestly? I do sometimes. It seems no matter what I do, things just keep coming at me. I think it’s why my mom hid my powers from me as a child. I could never imagine being 5 or 10 years old and running from one big bad supernatural force after the next.”

“Would you do the same thing if you have a child?”

“No,” she answered quick and emphatically. “One of the things I’ve always thought about, had I been able to practice from an early age, I might have a better handling and understanding of this world today. I’d never bind my child’s magic.”

“I agree. There are good things and bad things when it comes to having powers; and that goes for anything, not just magic.”

“Yeah, and when I think about everything that I’ve been through and all the good that came from it; namely you, I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Ohh good answer,” Derrick growled, lifting her as if she was as light as a feather before leaning up and trace her lips with his. Derrick’s mouth glided up her neck, his tongue slowly slipping along her skin, tasting her. Victoria moaned. Her breath staggered as his lips slid down her jaw, pulling away only to crash back into hers. She opened her mouth for him and he felt the heat pulse through her as he kissed her slow and deep.

Victoria’s hand slid across the front of Derrick’s briefs, making him groan. She did it again, momentarily gripping him as he locked a hand behind her knee and thrust himself against her. Before he knew it, her hand was touching him again, this time much more demanding causing him to bite her bottom lip in punishment. “I think you have a debt to repay,” Derrick whispered softly.

“Oh yes, please!” she giggled, pushing off the couch and rushing up the stairs ahead of him.


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