Sunday, September 15, 2024

84: The Cost of Doing Business – Pt. 3

“Why is it any time one of you goes missing the other one thinks I had something to do with it or even care to help?” Rowan asked, leaning back against his chair. “I have no idea where your witch has gone off to, Mate. Perhaps she’s found someone more interesting to take to her bed?” Derrick made a threatening step forward and Rowan was instantly on his feet. “Careful now. We wouldn’t want to muss that pretty face of yours before your witch comes home now, would we?”

“If you’ve done anything to her…”

“Save your threats, Derrick. I’ve no interest in harming Victoria. She’s too important. Besides, I thought you had some clever way of always keeping track of her.”

“I do,” Derrick replied sullenly. “But I can’t sense her. Which usually means something bad.”

“Well then. No sense in dawdling here. Go and find your witch. We wouldn’t want the Elders thinking you’re incapable of protecting the poor dear,” Rowan grinned.

Derrick turned and quickly retreated from his Sire’s office with one goal in mind: finding Victoria—and soon.

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

83: The Cost of Doing Business – Pt. 2

“Where is he?” Victoria shouted as she stormed through Rowan’s front door.

“Rowan gave specific instructions he wasn’t to be disturbed,” Marcel said, placing a hand out to stop her before she sent him flying across the room.

“ROWAN!” she growled as she pushed into his office.

“Victoria, please, do come in,” Rowan replied, disregarding her sudden intrusion. “What can I do for you?”

“Did you know what they were doing before you sent me in there?”

“Of course, I did, dear. Why do you think I sent you in there?” he asked incredulously.

“They are killing people; innocent girls in some—some blood ritual!”

“As I said, Victoria, I am fully aware. Only now they have started using supernatural creatures for their exploits,” Rowan said with a deep sigh, dismissively waving his hand. “Witches, Victoria, they are killing witches…and possibly a few warlocks. They are stealing their magic.”

Continue Reading: "83: The Cost of Doing Business – Pt. 2"