Sunday, October 5, 2014

48: To Hell and Back- Pt. 3

*Warning: Amazingly horrific photoshop!*

“You think maybe we should have left Loretta a note, you know, just in case?”

“Oh sure like what? ‘Hey Nana, Derrick and I teleported to a Hell dimension but we should be back soon, pick you up a knickknack on the way home, love you!’?”

“Well not quite as sarcastic but yeah. Her magic is more practiced, Victoria, and if something were to go wrong here with us, we’d have an anchor to help pull us back.” Derrick explained as the two made their way towards the ruined cathedral. “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I was really worried.”

“What? Oh, yeah. Sorry if I scared you. But I actually feel stronger.”

“No, don’t be silly, Victoria. I shouldn’t have fed from you. I could have really…I could have killed you.”

“And you could have died. I wasn’t gonna let that happen.”

“Hmm.” Derrick simply replied. “Do you know how you finally came out of it? Because Loretta and I tried everything; well, not everything. But we did what we could to draw you from slumber and nothing seemed to do the trick.”

“Nope. I have no idea how it happened. At one point I was sleeping and the next I felt completely refreshed and alert. Like the best night’s rest I’d had in ages.”

“So no dreams then?”

“Oh no, there were dreams, or rather nightmares. I think I ran the nightmare gauntlet. Every scary and perverse scenario my mind could think up happened and then some.”

“And this,” Derrick motioned around at their surroundings. “This is what you dream about? I can see why you asked me to get Freddy for you,” he remarked, whistling low as a winged beast of some kind flew over their heads. “And here I was hoping to catch you ogling me in the buff.”

“Well sorry to disappoint you but demons and goblins are more my speed. Besides, why dream about it when I can have the real thing anytime I want?” Derrick looked over in time to catch the smile on her face before it disappeared and wrapped his arm around her waist. The smell of sulfur was everywhere, stinking of rotten eggs and bloated corpses. Victoria had to trick her gag reflexes a few times to prevent herself from spewing the contents of her stomach on her shoes.

Sizzling lakes of molten lava surrounded them as dozens of small volcanic fissures erupted nearby. It was scorching; but unlike Victoria, Derrick was unable to feel the full intensity of the weathered realm. In fact it barely fazed him and for once she found herself feeling a little jealous over his vampiric nature. “So, Edmund Preston? That’s a pretty long way from Derrick, whatever your middle name is.”

“Samuel, it was my father’s middle name. And that was the point exactly.”

“Why did you change it?”

“To get away from who I was and start a brand new life. Edmund was killed on the streets of Coventry and I didn’t want him or his ghost following me wherever I went.” Victoria noticed how guarded Derrick seemed about his past and that name in particular and made a mental note.

It was certainly something she wanted to revisit but right now was not the time and this was definitely not the place. “You don’t look like an Edmund anyway,” she smiled as she caught Derrick’s gaze. “How’s Hades?”

“Hyper and lonely; he misses you.”

“What? He’s only known me for like a day, if that.”

“Trust me Victoria, that’s more than enough time for you to make an impression,” Derrick smiled and captured her hand in his as it swung midstride.

“He is really cute!”

“I’m glad you like him. I wasn’t sure if I should get him or not but when I saw him at the voodoo shop I just knew…”

“Wait the where? Did you just say you bought the puppy now living in my house from a voodoo shop?”

“Yeah,” Derrick shrugged nonchalantly. “He was in a cage with three others but they were all mixed breeds. I knew you’d probably like a purebred better.”

“Not the main issue with this story, Derrick! You got me a puppy from a voodoo shop!”

“Yes,” he replied again, this time slower. “Do you know any other places to buy hellhounds?”


“I told you he was special.”

“Derrick, you told me he was special, you didn’t tell me he was born in hell!”

“Why does it matter where he came from? Besides, you’ve bonded with him, gave him your blood.”

“I most certainly did not!” She looked over at him with a look of shock as she came to understand why Derrick thought the puppy biting her was such a good thing. “You’re evil!”

He smirked and gently squeezed her hand in his. “He’s yours now and he knows no other Master. He’ll serve you well, you’ll see.” Victoria shook her head in shock as she tried grasping the idea of a supernatural pet living in her home.

“This isn’t gonna be a gremlins thing is it? Because I’ve seen that movie way too many times to have to worry about feedings after midnight or what happens when he gets wet.”

“I don’t think so,” he smirked. “So, tell me about your nightmares. What happens in them that scares you so much?”

Victoria immediately tensed and shook her hand free of Derrick’s as they continued forward. She looked down at her feet as she felt his eyes boring into her and tried to compose herself before answering. “Well lately I’ve had several. There’s the one about the ritual I told you about. There’s one where I have absolutely no control over my powers and I destroy any and everything I touch; it’s not pretty. And then there’s the one with the mist,” she sighed heavily and closed her eyes momentarily. “It’s like the shadows are composed of evil and everything they touch turns just as dark and malevolent. It’s inescapable and all-consuming.”

They came to a stop in front of a long flight of stairs leading up to a shady cathedral. The walls were crumbling in some places but for the most part, the building appeared intact. Menacing gargoyle statues sat atop the pillars and Victoria shuddered as she remembered her encounter with the winged creature. Hand painted stained glass windows and magnificent flying buttresses gave the gothic church a touch of prominence.

But the place itself looked like something out of an old horror movie and was just as ominous in presence. “Are you sure about this?” Derrick asked, glancing over at Victoria as he listened to her heart pounding faster in her chest.

“It’s too late to turn back now.” She took a step forward and a large, flying beast dove out of the sky towards them. She fell to the ground and Derrick moved on top of her, protecting her from the powerful gust of wind and debris that swept over them. Heat from the flames seared at the ground, choking the oxygen from the air around them and Victoria suffocated briefly. In a moment, it was gone and she inhaled a large breath. Derrick pulled Victoria to her feet and she brushed herself off as she gazed up at the sky. “Was that a…”

“Dragon, yes.” He replied, checking the sky as well in hopes the monster had vanished.

“We’re gonna need a bigger boat.”

“A boat for what?”

“Nevermind,” Victoria sighed, rushing up the stairs. “Let’s get to some cover before it decides to make a return trip.”

The doors locked the moment they shut behind them. Candles sparked within the dark hallways, lighting their path. Victoria and Derrick could see compared to the outside, the inside didn’t get much better. Thick films of dust settled on everything and were accompanied by dozens of spiraling cobwebs. Old, dried roses were sprawled around the floors. Broken pews, chairs and tables fell to pieces and littered the ground while stacks and stacks of books huddled in corners and every available surface. 

Passing an old organ sitting inside the sanctum, Victoria floated as if by magic towards a bookcase lining the back wall. Derrick followed closely, watching her as she seemed entranced by the room. A gust of wind blew through the moth-eaten curtains and old papers swirled around them as they moved. 

Stopping just at the shelf, Victoria took a deep breath. Instinctively, her hand reached for a book on the case and without hesitation she pulled it from its place. Dust shifted from the movement and the floor began to rumble beneath them. Pieces of stone chipped away at the top of the wall as the bookcase turned in place, revealing a darkened stairwell behind it.

“Been here before?” Derrick asked sarcastically as she led the way inside the wall. The door closed with a loud thud and the thumping sound of a heartbeat echoed in the tiny passage. “Where are we?”

“The Sanctum of Dreams,” Victoria replied and opened a door that spilled into a narrower hallway. Multiple entrances lined the corridor, many restricting access like a five star restaurant or nightclub. Like an illusion, the tunnel seemed to run for miles with a range of doorways and no end in sight.

“And that means…we’ve made it?”

“Almost. Each of these doors leads to one of my dreams.”

“So…we open them all?”

“No. We need to find the right one.”

“And you wouldn’t happen to know which one that is, would you?” Without answering, she started forward once more, lightly touching each gateway as they passed. Gloomy fog loomed over the floor, swallowing the ground in shadows and the chilliness in the air caused goosebumps to form over her skin. Derrick kept his eyes on Victoria, making sure she didn’t trip as she again appeared to float, guided by some unseen force. “Victoria?”

“The Sanctum of Dreams is how he distracts me,” she answered before he asked for elaboration.

“He who?”

“He who walks behind the rows,” she smiled at her failed attempt at humor. “You really need to watch more movies. ‘He’, Derrick, is what we’ve come to find out. But see that’s where it gets tricky. The man behind the curtain doesn’t want to be found, so he sticks me here in the Sanctum of Dreams and, unfortunately, the Sanctum of Dreams is endless. No matter how many doors I open, another will always take its place. Apparently, I have an active imagination.”

“And so he makes you open all of these doors to keep you trapped in this dream forever?”

“Now you’ve got it! But this time, I have a secret weapon, you. I’m hoping with your presence he’ll be forced out of hiding to um…well…”

“You’re using me as bait?!”

“Well yeah but…don’t take it personally. And don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you; I sorta like having you around,” she grinned and moved on to another corridor. Derrick smiled to himself at her comment and continued after her. “This looks familiar…” Victoria remarked as they rounded another corner of her mind. “No, Derrick, wait, don’t go…in there.”

“Oh wow…,” he gasped slowly stepping into the room. Numerous candles and rose petals decorated the space giving it a very romantic feel. Accoutrements including handcuffs, whipped cream, chocolate sauce and a blindfold were sitting on the bedside table. Derrick watched as an image of himself sensuously undressed for Victoria who lay tied to a bed dressed in red lace underwear. 

Slowly he approached her, riding crop in hand. Dragging it up her leg, he groaned when the loose end of the leather massaged up her thigh. Victoria gasped as he lightly tapped her aching body and begged for more. “And you said your dreams of me weren’t sexual!”

“And YOU were never meant to see this.” He snickered at her embarrassment as Victoria pushed him out and quickly closed the door. 

“You know if you wanted me to tie you up again, all you had to do was ask.”

“Wha…I don’t want…it wasn’t…we should keep moving,” she sighed nervously and started down the hall once more.

“Wait, I wanna see how that ends.”

“You should know how it ends.”


“No! And not another word.” Making a zipper motion across his mouth, Derrick winked at Victoria as he continued following behind her.

“What’s in this one?”

“No, not that one!” Victoria pulled Derrick’s arm and quickly redirected him away from another door.

“Ok, how about we establish which doors I can and cannot go through?” he reached over and kissed her cheek and she smiled and leaned into his body.

“Fine. You can only go through the doors I tell you to. If I don’t enter it then neither do you.”

“Alright. I guess you really do have an active imagination. Can I ask what was in that dream or is that not allowed either?”

“Popcorn, a leather miniskirt, a dark room, and your pants around your ankles. We were at a movie theater,” Victoria replied to his raised eyebrow.

“Oooh sex in public! How very adventurous of you.”

“More like a blowjob in a less than crowded place.”

“Mmm,” he growled and his eyes slowly closed and reopened. “I think I’m enjoying this little stroll through your psyche!” he grinned. “Honestly, I think you should try and live out more of your fantasies, I hear it’s healthy. And I, for one, am fully willing and able to help make all your dreams come true.”

“I’m sure you are,” Victoria laughed and a sudden breeze whisked across her body, chilling her instantly.

“You don’t belong here.” The voice of a small child startled them and they turned in time to see a little girl dressed in all white with a bright glow around her materialize from thin air. “You should get out now before he knows you’ve come.”

“Before who knows? Who is he?” Victoria asked, desperate for answers behind the person causing her unrest.

“He’s the Lord of this realm. He controls everything that happens here. You’re not safe. You should leave before he comes.”

“No, I can’t go; not until I know who it is. What’s his name?”

“It’s too late. He’s here. He’ll never let you leave now,” she blinked rapidly before bursting into an intense, white light and faded away.

“Wait! Come back!”




“WHAT?!” she yelled, finally turning to face Derrick’s direction. A cloud of red mist swirled from beneath the door to the left. Dark smoke blanketed the walls, shrouding the hallway in a veil of crimson fog. From the very center of the haze a figure formed through the curly sinews of darkness and Victoria gasped when eyes as red as fire appeared, staring right at her.

“We have to move,” Derrick commanded, tugging on her arm to get her to follow. Thick smoke curled towards her, reaching out like sinewy fingers and Victoria stood frozen in place. “Come on Victoria,” Derrick urged as the mist fanned closer and closer. “MOVE!” he jerked her from reverie and nearly dragged her down the hallway.

A frightening growl ripped through the silent corridor, trailing after them as the fog followed close on their heels. Derrick turned a corner, yanking Victoria behind him as he tore through the many channels of her mind looking for a way out. The climbing smoke seemed to consume everything behind them and he feared what would happen if it caught up to them. A door opened in front of them and Derrick glanced at Victoria, noticing her eyes were closed and a dreamy look on her face.

Quickly he guided them through the passage and heard it slam shut behind them. When her eyes opened again, she was standing in a large field of poppies. The scorching summer sun danced along her skin, warming her to her core and she gazed up at the bright, blue sky with a smile on her face. Derrick lost his grip on her arm as Victoria started forward and he watched as she seemed completely at peace with their new surroundings.

Laughter turned her towards a single tree near a rolling brook and she rushed towards it. “You’re just in time! Have a drink with me,” a little girl offered as she sat on a checkerboard cloth beneath the willow.

“Victoria,” Derrick cautioned as she lowered herself to the blanket. She looked up at him with a smile and patted the empty spot beside her. “Who is she?” he asked slowly moving to join her.

“You don’t recognize her?” Derrick took a closer look and his eyes widened in recognition.

“It’s you?” Victoria nodded and took the cup from the child’s hand when offered. “That thing with the door back there, that was you too?” Again she nodded and pretended to sip from the small cup. “Victoria I don’t understand.”

“Shh,” the child whispered and handed Derrick a cup as well. “The Lord will be back soon. We haven’t got much time.”

“Can you tell me his name?”

“I’m not sure. I call him the dragon man.”

“The dragon man?”

“He has an army of them and can turn into one himself. He scares me.”

“He scares me too.” Thunder rolled moments after the sky lit up with lightning. Darkness crept in over the blue sky and before long the heavens burned red like fire.

“He’s here, he found me! I have to go!”

“Wait, I can protect you.”

“No! No one can protect us from him. He wants us. He wants to keep us trapped here.” She reached into the pocket of her pants and removed a slip of paper. “He doesn’t know I have this.” She slid the parchment into Victoria’s hand and jumped to her feet. “Take it, keep it safe.”

“What is it?”

“The only way to make him stop,” she cried and quickly disappeared. Derrick and Victoria followed suit and stood in the looming shadows as the storm blew closer.

Derrick took Victoria’s hand as powerful gusts of wind uprooted the tree beside them and shadows consumed every inch of light surrounding them. “Is it just me or is the world spinning?”

“Spinning? Victoria are you…?”

“Derrick, why are you spinning…like…that…” Victoria collapsed to the ground and Derrick quickly dropped to her side.


“Baby? Baby wake up. Wake up!” Victoria’s eyelids fluttered and she peeked through them to find Derrick hovering over her with a look of concern on his face. “She’s coming to!”

Movement towards her left side drew her attention and she saw her grandmother rush over. Derrick backed away as Loretta moved closer. “There you are! I thought we’d lost you again,” she nearly cried before drawing her grandchild into her arms.

“Wha…hap…? Mmm I had a dream,” she started and looked up at Derrick. “And you were there!”

“Lemme guess, another movie?”

Victoria rubbed her aching head as she sat up, ignoring the pain creeping into her lower back. “How did we get out?”

“I summoned you,” Loretta explained as she brushed Victoria’s hair from her face. “I saw the spell you’d left open in the grimoire and put two and two together. Victoria, I am THRILLED you’re taking on more of your magic. But you should still use an anchor when performing large spells. Anything can happen and I don’t want you to face the magical consequences alone.”

“I’m sorry. I just wanted answers.”

“I know you did, sweetheart.” Loretta sighed. “Well, did you two find anything on your dream excursion?”

“No it was a bust,” Derrick growled and crossed his arms into his chest. “Although we did come face-to-face with that shadow demon.”

Victoria opened her hand and looked down at the folded piece of paper she held. Standing, she stood and moved towards the light as she began examining the parchment. “She turns the sky as black as pitch with choking clouds of smoke. She chars the earth as dark as coal in the breath of a single stroke. She reduces mountains, hills and valleys to rivers of molten rock. She scorches the summer sun with fire soaring like a hawk. She roars a deafening sonic cry with the voice of a thunderstorm. She sings like an angel, raining fire from above like an angry locust swarm.”

“She has scales that glow as hot as flames and crimson as glowing embers. She slithers and curls, as lithe as a serpent; smooth, fluid and limber. She brings plague and horror to all who dare rebel, ravaging all who stand in her way. She is a cold-blooded killer who delights in the game, ensuring her enemies all pay. She is incandescent with wrath and rage and scarred by dragon flame. She sees the things that others do not, a chameleon who’s never the same.”

“Victoria?” Loretta slowly started towards her. “Where did you get that?”

“I pulled it from my dream. Why? Do you know what it means?”

“No,” Loretta answered quickly. “But that doesn’t matter right now. You need your rest.”

“Rest? I was just sleeping for a week! I don’t need rest! I need to know what is going on!”

“And we can work on that tomorrow. For now, Derrick will take you home.” Loretta glanced over at the vampire, ensuring he knew her words were not a request. “Keep her safe.”


“I love you, Victoria. Now please, get home and rest.”

“I don’t get it,” Victoria sighed as Derrick pulled into her driveway. “What is Nana trying to hide?”

“What makes you think she’s hiding anything?”

“Um…were you standing in the same room? She practically pushed us out the door. It has something to do with this parchment. Her face was ashen when I was reading it, like she’d seen a ghost or something.”

“It may not be as bad as you think. But I agree with Loretta. You should rest up, get your head on straight and then tackle this thing at first light. Tomorrow will be good.”

“Why? What happens tomorrow?”

“Didn’t you hear? I get better looking every day,” Derrick smirked and unlocked her front door before motioning her inside.

“Holy crap!” Victoria exclaimed as she stormed out of her front door, slamming it shut behind her. “There is a huge ass dog in my house!”

“You mean Hades?”

“No. I mean the monster Doberman that’s probably looking for his or her puppy.”

“Uh, yeah…that’s Hades,” Derrick responded, entering the midtown loft ahead of her.

“Hades? No. That’s not. Hades is a puppy.”

“Correction, Hades WAS a puppy. He’s since grown.”

“Since? How long was I asleep?!”

“Four days.”

“Ok, hold on,” Victoria sighed, lifting her arms in frustration. “One of us must be on crack because I’m having a lot of trouble understanding this. Can we slow down and try this again, please?” Derrick nodded and Victoria started from the top. “Hades, the puppy you got me for my birthday four days ago, is now a full grown dog?”



“Supernatural pets,” Derrick shrugged. “They grow quickly. Like I told you before, he’s different from most animals.”



“Ugh!” Turning towards the animal, Victoria slowly approached, unsure how she would be greeted by the hound. To her surprise, he rushed at her. Throwing himself into her arms like the long lost friend she was. Happy to see her again, he began licking her feverishly. “Down boy,” she instructed and Hades instantly obeyed. “Aww that means I missed his entire cute puppy stage,” she sighed mournfully. “I’m sorry about that fella.” He barked making her laugh and she started up the stairs for her bedroom.

After changing into her night clothes, she shut the light off in her bathroom and started for her bed. Hades was resting at the foot, while Derrick waited on the side of the bed for her. He patted the spot beside him and turned the covers down for her to crawl beneath. “It’s snowing!”

“Good, that gives me a reason to snuggle even closer to you,” he grinned, slowly running his hand down her arm.

“You know you don’t have to stay,” Victoria protested as he tucked himself in beside her. “I’ll be alright.”

“I’m staying, Baby. I have to chase away the nightmares if any are stupid enough to visit you tonight. Get some rest.” She scooted herself towards him until she felt his cool skin against her back and Derrick gently kissed her shoulder. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.”

Looking back, she locked eyes with him momentarily before claiming his lips and pulling him closer into her. “I’m pretty sure I do,” she smiled and kissed him again. Goosebumps chased up her skin when Derrick’s fingers tickled along her thigh and she moaned lightly before whispering against his mouth, “I missed you too, Derrick, so much.”

He flipped her onto her side with her back to him before curving his body around hers. One hand slid beneath her shirt, locking his palm over her ribcage. The other pillowed beneath her head and she rested comfortably on his bicep. “Sweet dreams, Victoria.”

“Mmm, with you here, Derrick, they will be.”



  1. Well that was an interesting chapter. Nice leisurely stroll through Hell. Derrick takes Victoria to all the nicest places LOL I was expecting more lost souls to be wandering around and things like that. Guess I've wanted Constantine one too many times. hahaha

    They didn't seem to have solved her issues on the dreams, but did get a hint. Nana knows something is up, her reaction to that note was suspect. Derrick knows it too. I really wish they'd quit keeping things from Victoria. They are facing hard times, keeping things for 'her sake' is BS and needs to stop. She's not some lost little girl, she a grown ass woman in the thick of things and needs to be fully informed!

    Well at least with Hades she got to skip the house-training stage. :)

    1. There probably would have been lost souls wandering around in hell. But they were in Victoria's dream, not really hell. That's why a lot of the stuff one would think (like your flesh melting from the heat) wasn't really all that bothersome. It was hot, because Victoria IMAGINES that it would be hot, but not having really experienced just HOW hot, she was not able to realize the full depth of Hell's fire. Everything they experienced, felt, saw, smelled, heard was all a figment of her imagination. So...hope that wasn't too confusing :)

      And yeah LOL that's why they were able to have a "nice leisurely stroll through Hell". I doubt the actual place would be so lovely!

      And nope, unfortunately they didn't find an answer. The smoke demon thingy made sure of that. But hopefully that note that child Victoria gave her will point her in the right direction Loretta already has an inkling but of course she won't say anything...she'll try and work something out on her own. And Derrick, yeah. He spoke to Loretta in C46 about what Victoria said about dragons and noticed Loretta's reaction. He knows something as well. I couldn't agree more. Derrick is lying to save his ass and Loretta is lying...well for similar reasons as we'll see in the upcoming chapters :)

      HAHA too true! And in just a matter of days, has a full grown attack hound at her beck and call!

      Thank you for reading :D

  2. Hmm most interesting...I expected she wouldn't get answers just yet but thought I'd see more of what haunts her. I agree her grandmother needs to tell her what she knows otherwise Victoria might keep taking risks to find out the answers she seeks. I bet Derrick has some wild ideas now that he's seen her kinky side hehe....not sure how he just crawled in there and let her go to sleep.

    1. We actually did get to see a little more of what haunts her. The dream smoke, in his hopes of distracting her, actually ran her straight towards someone who could help. That note that Victoria retrieved from her dreams is about to answer more than she ever expected!

      Loretta's secrets are about to spill in a very messy way. She'll have wished she was upfront because when the shit hits the fan, Victoria is gonna have to choose a side and it may not be the one Loretta thinks!

      Hopefully this is the end of Vik's risk taking for answers but that doesn't necessarily mean she's out of the woods just yet!

      LOL! Derrick was thoroughly enjoying that trip through Vik's mind! I don't think he realized she saw him like that. She's so secretive about her ogling! :P But I'm sure he's contemplating ways to keep her salivary glands rather active!

      Thank you for reading :)

  3. Brilliant chapter, again I am lost for words for fear I shall trip over overdone compliments, but it was just brilliantly done, loved it all... bah seeing, already started :P

    1. Haha I appreciate that! These two went on quite the little adventure. It's just great to see they both made it out in one piece!

      Thank you for reading :)

  4. great pictures.... the trip through the dream was really awesome.... Thankfully Derrick was there. But why didn't he remember going in with her? When she woke, he seemed as though he wasn't asleep and with her.... Gramma knows something... I am wondering if maybe Derrick does too.

    1. Derrick made a great companion on the strange journey. I'm sure Vik was grateful to have his help...even if she was using him as bait.

      Ah that part. Victoria passed out in the dream and Derrick was awake when Loretta pulled them back out so he was just making sure she was fine.

      Derrick, he knows something but not everything. He had questioned Loretta once before about the dragon so he knows she's not telling Victoria something. Loretta definitely had a clue while Vik read that parchment. Unfortunately, she's not gonna say anything. It'll take some work on Victoria's part to uncover what secrets are being kept from her still.

      Thank you for reading :)

  5. Hades aged up FAST lol. Hell was crazy, but you were really good at telling the story of their journey. It was almost like watching a movie. I was hoping Victoria and Derrick would get some answers, but now she thinks her grandma is hiding info from her so I don't know what lies ahead. Great Chapter though :)

    1. Hahaha yeah he did! I don't think Victoria knew what she was getting into exactly with that pet. Thank you, I'm glad it came out great. It was more watered down though considering it was Vik's dream (also the reason she didn't feel as hot as I'm sure she should have).

      Unfortunately, their visit was expected and in that anticipation, the person responsible for her nightmares set up a series of traps in order to prevent her from learning the truth. She did, however, get a small clue, thanks to her child self.

      But now, to learn Grams is up to something as's becoming fewer people Vik can turn to for real answers.

      Thank you for reading :)
