Sunday, October 13, 2024

86: Tainted Love – Pt. 2

“CECILY?!” Victoria asked in shock. “You’re telling me Cecily is here in Avondale and looking for Derrick?”

“And found him if I’m to believe your story about his mysterious phone call and sudden departure. Apparently, she heard her old flame had moved across the pond and is looking to reconnect.”

“Bullshit,” Victoria replied flippantly.

“If you say so, Luv.”

“No. No, none of that, Rowan. Derrick told me you killed her as a ‘birthday present’ for him when he left for the states nearly half a millennium ago. There is no way this woman is here now. Unless—you lied to him. You turned her and told Derrick it was taken care of. But, why would you do that? Why would you save a woman that hurt your friend?”

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