Sunday, October 13, 2024

86: Tainted Love – Pt. 2

“CECILY?!” Victoria asked in shock. “You’re telling me Cecily is here in Avondale and looking for Derrick?”

“And found him if I’m to believe your story about his mysterious phone call and sudden departure. Apparently, she heard her old flame had moved across the pond and is looking to reconnect.”

“Bullshit,” Victoria replied flippantly.

“If you say so, Luv.”

“No. No, none of that, Rowan. Derrick told me you killed her as a ‘birthday present’ for him when he left for the states nearly half a millennium ago. There is no way this woman is here now. Unless—you lied to him. You turned her and told Derrick it was taken care of. But, why would you do that? Why would you save a woman that hurt your friend?”

“Sooner or later, everyone serves a purpose, Victoria. You’ll do well to remember that.”

No, I’ll do well to remember who I’m dealing with. Every time I think—ugh nevermind,” she sighed, throwing her hands up in disgust as she started again for the door.

Using his vampire speed, Rowan headed her off, blocking her exit as he took three intimidating steps forward, backing her into the middle of the room. “People don’t change, Victoria. Every one of us is a vile, selfish, cruel thing using those weaker amongst us for our own personal enjoyment.”

“And is that all you’ve been doing with me? Treating me like some pawn in a game—using me for your own personal enjoyment?” Rowan’s eye twitched and Victoria shook her head. “You don’t really believe that, Rowan.”

“And now you propose to tell me my mind?” he shouted, his accent growing thicker. Seeing the terror on her face as he raised his voice instantly made him back down.

Moving faster than her eyes could track, Rowan pulled Victoria against him. Placing her under his trance before she could say another word. “Victoria,” he spoke softly as he gently caressed her cheek, bringing her eyes to his. Completely enthralled and unable to look away, her breath came out in a short, wispy sigh as he spoke her name. “Forgive me, Luv. I don’t wish to fight with you.”

“I forgive you, Rowan.” 

“NO!” he shouted again, squeezing his eyes shut. “Damn it. This is not what I want. Not like this.” Looking up into her eyes once more he spoke his last command. “Please forget this moment happened.” Backing away to where he stood, he waited for his compulsion to wear off.

Victoria gazed at Rowan, returning to the moment, entirely unaware of what just transpired. “Rowan, I’m sure throughout your lifetime, you’ve met some of the most despicable people in history.”

“That’s right,” he replied with a smug look on his face.

“But evil begets evil and if you have nothing more to offer anyone except that dark, pit of emptiness you call a soul, how can you expect anyone to show you kindness? I mean take me, for example. Every time I believe you’re worthy of redemption you show me another form of ugliness that makes me regret ever forgiving you.” Rowan’s face fell at Victoria’s words and she could tell they hit home. Shuffling around him, she pushed out of his office, leaving him to reflect on his actions.

Derrick arrived at the Villa de Marquis Hotel & Suites, taking the elevator to the penthouse, he waited for the occupant to answer his series of knocks. “Edmund!” A slender, olive-skinned woman stood in the doorway, a smile on her face and a glass of what he could only assume to be expensive champagne in her hand. Her raven-black hair was pulled back and tied into a bun and her light blue eyes looked up at him as she spoke. “I can’t believe it’s really you!”

“What are you doing here?” Derrick asked, breezing past her and not bothering with the pretense.

“Do you mean here in Avondale or Earth?” Cecily asked, closing the door and sauntering in behind him.

“Take your pick. You were supposed to be dead.”

“Yeah, well…it didn’t take,” she said, sucking on her teeth as she downed a large sip of the beige liquid.

Snatching the glass from her hand, Derrick slammed it to the bar beside her and narrowed his eyes in anger. “Why are you here?”

“To catch up. It’s been such a long time, I thought we could talk, reconnect…and maybe you can tell me why you wanted me dead!”

“You’re not serious. Your father slit my throat, Cecily. And the only thing I was guilty of was loving you. He murdered a royal! Neither of you were ever getting away with that.”

“Well, it would seem I have. In fact, it was your friend who saved me. Count Grafton.”

Derrick squeezed his eyes shut and cussed his sire’s name before pacing back-and-forth. He knew Rowan well. And he wouldn’t dispose of someone he could just as easily turn into a pawn in one of his many sick games. “What does Rowan want with you?”

“What do you mean?”

“He saved you for a reason, Cecily, what was it? I’m sure he’s the one who told you I was here. You’ve had four hundred years to find me and now suddenly you show up in my town wanting to reconnect. Why now? You turned me away; wanted nothing to do with me. Or have you forgotten about that?”

“I know,” Cecily said, approaching Derrick. “I was an idiot, Edmund. I had no idea what you really meant to me until I’d truly lost you.”

“Cut the shit, Cecily.”

“I’m serious, Edmund. I was compelled by Rowan! I didn’t know it then, but when he made me—this, all of my memories came rushing back. But, by then it was too late. I was now sired to him and still unable to have complete freewill. But that whole time I’d actually fallen in love with you, too. I was a silly, young girl in over my head and overwhelmed by the attention from a member of the royal family. I should have been better to you. I know that now.”

“It doesn’t matter now. That was a long time ago; another lifetime. I’m not the same man I was then and I’m not interested in whatever this game is you and Rowan are playing. I’m happy and in love and want nothing to do with you. Leave town, Cecily. Tonight. Consider this your one and only warning. Stay away from me.”

“You don’t want to go making threats,” Cecily said as Derrick neared the door. “You’re not the only one who can cause heartbreak.”

“What does that mean, Cecily?”

She shrugged and plopped back to the sofa. “Just watch your back, Edmund.”

Hopping onto his bike, Derrick sped toward Rowan’s manor. His sire had lied to him. Not only that, he had kept something from him; something personal that he knew would have devastating consequences and Derrick was determined to get answers. Rushing through the house, he paused only briefly, catching a whiff of a familiar scent. Victoria… Bursting into Rowan’s study without a second’s hesitation, he slapped his hand onto the heavy, oak desk with a growl. “What the fuck is Cecily doing here?”

“I imagine she’s here to rekindle a lost love,” Rowan replied flippantly, waving Marcel off as he stepped into the room behind Derrick.

“Why, Rowan? Why did you bring her here?”

With a shrug, Rowan leaned back as he looked Derrick in the eyes, a dark sneer curling his lips before suddenly jerking up from his seat and rounding his desk. “It’s been brought to my attention time and again how callous of a man I am. I get it. That’s just my nature, I suppose. But, certain people in your life have suffered and deserve the truth, Derrick. You are no more honorable than I!”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the life you’ve carved out for yourself at others’ expense. I’ve always been the one there cleaning up your messes and yet I’m the one vilified when I’ve only ever been honest. Now, it’s your turn, Derrick. I’m sure Victoria is waiting with bated breath for answers; a little truth and consequence, Mate! Have at it.” Rowan turned and started for his chair again, turning back as Derrick reached the door. “Oh, and one other thing, don’t EVER enter my study again without invitation. The bloody door is closed for good reason.”

Shooting off a text to Derrick, Victoria sat her phone on the desk and stretched out on the couch. She needed to talk to him; to come clean about everything with Rowan. Closing her eyes a moment as she relaxed, she had become lost in thought and didn’t hear the front door open. “So, this is who Edmund’s chosen to spend his time with? A worthless human who lounges around all day?” Her British accent rang familiar and she sighed as she took in the stranger.

Jumping to her feet, Victoria found herself staring into the blue eyes of an unfamiliar dark-haired woman. “Who are you and how did you get in here?”

“Oh please. I’m certain Edmund’s mentioned me before.”

Recognition hit Victoria at the mention of Derrick’s former name and she sighed. “Oh. You’re Cecily.”

“Ding, ding, ding! And you must be…ha! I actually don’t know your name. Guess it doesn’t matter anyway. And now that I’m back, Edmund will forget it too.”

“You’ve probably never heard of me because ‘Edmund’ forgot about you a long time ago.”

An evil smirk crossed Cecily’s face briefly as she stepped closer to where Victoria stood. “Enough of the pleasantries…”

“Is that what this has been? Could have fooled me.”

“Fine, for the sake of being pleasant, I’ll be upfront and honest about why I’m here. I’m going to kill you. I’m going to rip your pretty, little throat open and drain every last drop of blood from your veins. Then, I’m going to leave your hollowed-out corpse in the bed you’ve shared with my Edmund. Afterwards, Edmund and I will make love under the stars as we are finally united as one.”

“Wow! Derrick mentioned you were delusional but, I didn’t know to what extent. You’re actually looney tunes! Sorry to disappoint you, I’m not going to die at the hands of an angry ex who’s nothing more than a husk of a soul walking around in human skin.”

“We’ll see about that,” Cecily sneered as she rushed forward, swinging a powerful right. Victoria met her halfway, lashing out with a right of her own. And as Cecily was about to connect, a large blast knocked her back against the wall with such force, it left an outline of her body in the plaster.  

“WITCH!” Cecily shouted in shock, realizing she was not up against just any ordinary human.

“BITCH!” Victoria responded with a smirk as she stood without a hair out of place.

“Oooh…I can do this all day,” Cecily hissed, climbing to her feet.

“Then bring it on, Grandma, because so can I!”

Cecily stumbled out the front door, dripping blood with each step she took. She had fully intended to kill Victoria, her rage overriding her common sense. The desire to kill her was out of spite. A self-loathing and envy watching Derrick find happiness with someone else. She had lost the one person who had truly loved her; taken for granted his interest and over the years learned there was nothing left for her. There was no one waiting for her back home. There had never been another like Derrick and for her, she feared there never would be again.

When she came to, Victoria was unsure of where she was, thanks to her scattered senses. She let out a groan as she slowly opened her eyes, her gaze weary and exhausted. Her vision was blurred, taking in only hints of Derrick’s destroyed parlor with furniture thrown everywhere. Looking down, she was rewarded with the sight of the dark red liquid covering her body. As she took it in, feeling returned to her. She ached all over, and in her haze, she couldn’t quite figure out why. A shuddering breath passed her lips as the pain washed over her, fueling the rest of her senses to a full state of alertness. She took in another one, instinctively preparing to get herself up and on her feet.

A sudden pain shot through her left leg and her head fell back against the floor as she let out an agonized cry when the excruciating sensation shot up her body. Victoria clenched her teeth, raising her head up as best as she could to see what had caused it. Although she couldn't see much, she could make out splotches of red right beside the affected leg. Moving it not only caused considerable pain, but it felt like she was rubbing it through a fluid. In addition, she could feel several breaks within the limb. In that instant, everything came back to her. There was the fight with Cecily.

Victoria had been so sure about her victory but then, Cecily had unveiled her secret weapon: a dark object cursed by the ancients that could be used to discharge magical enchantments. Victoria had been thrown off-guard and it allowed Cecily the upper-hand and, like a shark circling its prey before the kill, she relished in the defeat of her opponent.

It took thirty minutes for Derrick to get back, breaking every speed limit and running every stop sign along the way. But he needed to get to her. “Victoria?” Derrick shouted as he re-entered his home. Cecily was never one for idle threats and if she and Rowan had been working together, he needed to be sure Victoria was safe. “Victoria, where are you?” he called, rushing upstairs toward his bedroom. Taking out his phone, he quickly punched in her number and waited. It was then he noticed the text from Victoria. Moments later, he could hear her ringtone chiming downstairs and started down just as a smell he’d overlooked hit his nose.  

“VICTORIA!” Derrick shouted and rushed toward her, dropping his phone in the doorway as he fell to her side. “Oh God, what happened?”

“Cecily…” she coughed, choking up as she tried to speak. “She came to pay a visit.”

“No, no, no, stay with me, everything will be ok.”

“Ahh, no, no please,” she hissed in pain as he tried lifting her from the ground against his chest. He instantly lowered her again and a gush of blood spurted through her lips and clenched teeth behind the deep gurgling choke of the breath she tried to take.

“You need help, let me help you!”

“Let’s not kid ourselves, ok?” she moaned and tenderly ran her blood-soaked fingers over his cheek. “I’m dying Derrick. I can feel it.”

“Victoria…” he replied solemnly as she shuddered in pain once again. “This is all my fault. I should have just done what Rowan failed to do all those years ago.”

“No, Derrick. Don’t do that. Don’t blame yourself. You didn’t do this to me, Baby. Please don’t think that,” she coughed and immediately felt the hole in her gut tighten causing her to wince in pain. Placing her hand over the vial of blood around her neck, Victoria took in a stuttered breath. “If it doesn’t heal me…I’ll—be like you.”

“And I’ll be with you at every step,” Derrick said, gripping her hand as she glanced up at the sky fighting the sting of tears burning her eyes. “You’ll never have to worry.”

“I’m scared. I thought I’d have more time before I had to make this decision,” she cried, her voice growing weaker and a single tear licked down her cheek that he quickly wiped away. “There’s still so much I don’t understand about…” her eyes rolled to the back of her head and he shook her as he felt her breathing start to wane.

“Victoria? Victoria! No, no, no.” Piercing his wrist with his fangs, Derrick squeezed a generous amount of blood to the top and quickly placed his arm over Victoria’s mouth. “Come on, drink, come on. Fight, damn it! You can do this. Come on!” He shouted, lifting her in his arms and shaking her again. “Open your eyes, Victoria. Please. Open your eyes, PLEASE!” he begged, leaning down to gently caress her cheek. “Please.” 

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