Sunday, April 21, 2024

73: Trip to the Dentist – Pt. 1

“Lunch time, Partner. And please, tell me you’re going to suggest something OTHER than sushi this time,” Victoria said, dropping a stack of papers onto Mike’s desk. He didn’t look up as she spoke and she waved a hand in front of his face to try and get his attention. “Mike? Yo, Mike? Mikey? MICHAEL SEAN RIZZITELLO!”

“Hmm? What?” Mike shook his head and sighed. “I’m sorry, Vik. I was a little distracted.”

“A little? You completely missed the tiny, green alien running across your keyboard singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star!”

“I know. Wait, what?”

“Nothing,” Victoria laughed. “What’s going on?”

“Tina is in town for a visit and I’m super excited to spend some time with her. I’ve been looking up stuff we can do together while she’s here.”

“That’s great, Mikey! How is she?”

“She is doing wonderfully. She’s about to be a teenager and just lost her last baby tooth. Now she keeps telling me she’s no longer a child and that I should ‘respect her womanhood,’” he smiled. “It’s something she learned from this new pack of friends she’s made in Spring Glen.”

Continue Reading: "73: Trip to the Dentist – Pt. 1"

Sunday, March 24, 2024

72: Ready to Grumble – Pt. 3

The screaming had stopped minutes ago, but Mike could still hear them echoing off the thin metal walls of the diner. That woman; that poor woman had been eaten alive by the creatures outside and Mike and Victoria could do nothing but listen to her horrific screams and harrowing pleas for it all to end.

“These things are multiplying too fast! We have to get out of here!” Mike huffed as he slammed his hand against the floor.

Again, Victoria glanced at her phone, pausing briefly to wonder why she hadn’t heard anything from Derrick. Anxiety was beginning to set in. If he was unable to find a voodoo priest to help them then they would certainly need another way. “Mike, do you still carry that amethyst stone for good luck?”

“Of course, I do. Why do you ask?”

“May I borrow it? I think I may have another way to get rid of these things.” Handing over the gem, Victoria unfolded the map from her pocket and set it out over one of the tables. “I may be able to scry for the original source of this spell.”

Continue Reading: "72: Ready to Grumble – Pt. 3"

71: Ready to Grumble – Pt. 2

The news reports were growing increasingly more alarming. Dozens of stories were coming in about random, violent attacks around town with descriptions of the assailants ranging from “animal-like psycho with uncontrollable rage” to “raggedy, bleeding menaces who smell like death.” It didn’t take long to track the path the mob of newly turned zombies was blazing but it did, however, cause concern.

“If we don’t get a handle on this soon, they may infect the entire downtown area,” Victoria said, looking over the map she and Mike had created. Just as Derrick had predicted, the zombie population was growing exponentially and they had their hands full trying to track down their Patient Zero.

“How exactly are we supposed to stop them?” he asked. “I mean are they still people that have been affected by magic or are they…”

Continue Reading: "71: Ready to Grumble – Pt. 2"

Sunday, February 5, 2023

70: Ready to Grumble – Pt. 1

“Morning!” Derrick greeted Victoria with a smile as she sauntered into the kitchen. He was busy preparing breakfast, expertly tossing pancakes around a skillet before plating them for her.

“Good morning. You seem cheery. Add a little something extra to the coffee?” she asked, taking a seat at the bar counter as he set a plate and mug of hot coffee down in front of her.

“What? Can’t a guy just be happy? The woman of my dreams; love of my life is with me, safe and…whole. What more could I ask for?”

“I guess.” Grabbing her phone, she began checking her messages and responding to a text from Mike. “Hmm. Looks like we have a new case.”

“New case?” 

Continue Reading: "70: Ready to Grumble – Pt. 1 "

Sunday, January 22, 2023

69: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 4

Victoria sat on the sofa across from Derrick and herself, nervously tapping her foot as they waited for Brad to join them. Mike paced the room. His nerves hadn’t settled having met his partner’s twin. “So…Victoria,” Victoria started, glancing over at her other half. “How much of what happened do you remember? Because I’ve been trying and I gotta say…” 

“Look, I don’t know what this is or even if it’s real. That…thing back at the docks—it had glowing eyes. There is no way that’s possible, right?” 

Continue Reading: "69: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 4"

Sunday, July 3, 2022

68: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 3

“Victoria? Victoria!?” Derrick shouted as he rushed into Devereux’s office.

“She’s gone,” Brad said, holding an icepack to his head wound as both Mike and Derrick stepped inside.

“What happened?”

“Someone took her.”

“What do you mean someone took her? Who took her?” Derrick demanded, inching closer to the demon with balled fists.

“We were attacked. She was in a trance, things were going fine. I heard a commotion downstairs and something…exploded so I attempted to wake her. Next thing I know, I’m knocked unconscious. When I awoke, she was gone.”

“Shit,” Mike cussed as he dropped onto the sofa behind Derrick. “He came for her.”

Continue Reading: "68: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 3"

Sunday, January 14, 2018

67: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 2

“It’s important to remember to breathe,” Brad Devereux coached Victoria as he prepared to put her under. “Focus on what you know is real. Try not to allow your emotions to cloud your logic. The way this works, I will try and show you things to make you doubt yourself; make you suffer and trick you into doing what I want you to do.”

“Which is what exactly?” she asked, clenching her fists at her side.

“Well,” Brad smirked as he moved in front of Victoria, “That’s for me to know and you to find out. Are you ready?” She took a deep breath and Brad could see the fear and hesitation in her eyes. “We don’t have to go through with this.”

“No, we do. I’m ok,” she said with a heavy exhale. “Let’s do this.”
Continue Reading: "67: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 2"

Sunday, December 31, 2017

66: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 1

“Are you sure about this, Vik?” Mike asked, sliding out of his pickup truck as he approached the security fence with her. They stood outside of Brad Devereux’s large mansion, staring up at the door and waiting on someone to answer their call.

“Positive. One thing those trials taught me is that I’m not as ready as I’d like to be. If there is a chance that I will come up against any supernatural being I’ve no experience with, I need to at least try and prepare.”

“Yes but, how is talking to this guy gonna help you?”

Continue Reading: "66: Which Witch is which? – Pt. 1"

Sunday, December 17, 2017

65: Trial and Error – Pt. 3

As Victoria stepped into the door, she felt the overwhelming fount of energy. Something truly evil resided in this place and she sensed the intense force as it quickened to life. Losing all sense of self, she felt weightless and floated forward as if her feet did not touch the ground.
Continue Reading: "65: Trial and Error – Pt. 3"

Sunday, December 3, 2017

64: Trial and Error – Pt. 2

Victoria awoke to the sound of voices. Rolling to her side, she caught herself before she tumbled all the way to the floor. Sitting up with a start, she took a look around the room. Calling it Turkish prison chic would have been a compliment. What used to be light blue paint had peeled away from the walls leaving splotchy brown plaster and scuff marks in its place. The floors were stained in thick, gritty rust and grime and the odor that lingered from what she could only assume to be week’s old egg salad was starting to give her a headache.
Continue Reading: "64: Trial and Error – Pt. 2"